"地球有七座聖山矗立,每座都帶有獨特的品質。它們為整個地球持載意識,宇宙能量經由這些通道擴散到地表的廣大地區。這些聖山住著看顧人類命運的靈性守護者,這些是非常特別的存有,一直看顧著我們所活在的意識層次,並保護知識的寶藏。光的強大能量落於這些山中,並供應給週圍的土地環境。山頂,特別是聖山的山頂,被灌以聖靈濕婆的力量。"─Alpha Chi風水九大封印
- Apr 09 Sat 2016 21:40
- Feb 11 Thu 2016 09:50
Taiwan is in an awakening process, in the end, it might be able to give guidance for the whole region. If you are in a deep contact with Earth it very often is open to guidance to shift the center of earthquakes into an area where it causes less damage. First people have to accept their roles of leadership, then learn to communicate with Earth and the nature beings, who will support us in the process, then healing can happen. Love and light, Agni
- Feb 04 Thu 2016 00:17
- Feb 02 Tue 2016 23:08