

Some weeks after the mastermind had finished, my friend said to me, “You would be the better person to lead the meeting.“
“No I am not,“ I knew it.
“But why? You are far more experienced and have more expertise than I do.“
“But still is you,“ I responded, “because the higher power is above you and not me. You are meant to lead this now, not me.“

For years I have been able to see when someone is destined to lead the way. At the right time a person connects with the fabric of all creation, her frequency rises. A light appears above her like a guiding star signaling that it’s her time to step in and lead. This is the moment when she must lean in.

All this changed my perspective about leadership.

I see influential leaders without guiding star energy, or whose energy extinguished long ago but are unwilling to pass on the reins. I see leaders who emanate power all the time and others who step back from the fire in agony. I see leaders who were meant to rise but reject the higher power above them.

Leadership is not about being bossy or being in control. (Pushing is overcommitting to the masculine.) My view on leadership showed me that a higher power is at play, working through a person for a short time to solve a certain problem, or through a longer period of change.

Leadership is not always being out in front. It can be top of the world for a while, then back among the team, allowing others to go ahead. It’s a flow.

A leader has the momentum of heroism: she is the person who takes on the responsibility to lead another person, group or community into a new solution.

Leadership is often mundane, and can be undertaken by anyone, even if they’re not recognized as a leader.

Great leaders inspire and create meaningful lasting opportunities and new ways of thinking. They believe in change. They have an impact on the future. Great leaders are connected with their soul purpose and know when the calling is theirs. They sit up in the right moment and blaze ahead beyond fear, beyond worry, unfettered by what other people think.

Because their soul dream is active, leading is never about them; it’s always about their people.

Soulful leadership comes from the belief that you and your team are made for something special at this precise time. It is the ability to inspire excellence in others, to encourage them to follow their own soul visions, and raise them up to a synchronous level of a soul dream.

Over time I also started to recognize that when a soul dream is activated but the person refuses to lead, things careen in wrong directions, or others have to step in and rescue the moment. Some people are addicted to leadership and take over all the time. Burn out begins here, when people are not supported by the universal flow of power. And when we do not support the one who is destined to lead, we lose the wisdom resources within our teams and we all lose the possibility to make the incredible possible.

Start to ask yourself:

When is the higher force above you?
When is your time to lead?

Start to witness:

When is the higher force above another person?
How can you support them?


Take a lead when the higher force is above you. Support soulful leaders when it’s their time.

Our times need many things. We need better bread, better kindergarten, better politics, better women rights, better water solutions, better social engagement, better timing, better structures, better relations to life and earth.

To access what’s needed, we start with better leadership.
Leadership with soul makes a difference.

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